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Showing posts from June, 2020

Motherly Love

“Are you really happy now that you have your own baby, like mommy and Aunty Sally?” my niece Chloe (8) asked recently.  “Yeah, it’s nice,” I replied, wondering to myself if I really meant it.  It was the idea that now I have a baby, am I happy? I was pretty happy before. It’s not like having a baby of my own made all my dreams come true. Having a baby didn’t make me feel suddenly complete. But, after a rocky start , I have felt a lot happier lately. I am filled with a sense of love and happiness when just the sight of my face makes Max beam a big smile. And I can tell you now, he is the cutest baby in the whole word ever. ;-) It wasn’t always like that though. I’ve read accounts from new parents describing the overwhelming rush of love they experienced when their baby was born. I see photos on social media with smiling parents snuggled together, a tiny baby between them. Captions describe how in love and blessed they are. Their babies are perfectly wrapped up in adorable outf