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Showing posts from May, 2021

Born in Lockdown: A Pandemic Baby - Part 2

In my last post, I wrote about my experience becoming a mom during a global pandemic, and during a year of racist police violence and social unrest. There was so much more to say about our experience in the pandemic that I split it into two parts. Here, I reflect on what it was like to travel with our young infant and adjusting to life back at the Fishbowl.   (check out part 1 here!) Pandemic Travel In January, Steve and I traveled to England by way of Paris, France. We had chosen that route so that Porter, our 15lb miniature schnauzer could travel in the cabin with us (UK does not allow pets in cabin). My dad was our hero, driving from home all the way to the channel tunnel aka chunnel, and down to Paris. He stayed one night at an airport hotel, collected us in the early morning, and drove us back home again. It was over 14 hours of driving in two days for him! Our plan was to return, via Paris, to New York in mid-June, when baby would be about 3 months old. As the pandemic worsened