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Showing posts from 2024

2023 Parenting Wrapped

There’s a lot that can be said about the difficulties of parenting young kids. I feel very conscious that my blog tends to be focused on the harder moments. Most likely, it’s because I find writing as a useful tool for processing and reflection. But, there are, of course, great moments. My mom often talks about the good times, how much fun we had when my sisters and I were little. I asked her once if it was ever difficult for her (because it never sounds like it!). “Oh, I cried every day,” she said, implying the difficulty. It’s not that my mom, or other parents whose kids are much older, block out the hard parts. It’s just the memory of the simple love, connection and dependency is much stronger and worth cherishing. I’m here, on any given day, dreaming of getting away for a few nights so I can sleep for 8 hours, wake up at a reasonable time and not have to take care of anyone. My kids are dreaming of spending every minute they can with me. My mom has said to me many times, “you’re th