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Showing posts from July, 2020

Goodnight Dad

It was recently father’s day and I wanted to write about my parenting partner, my husband Steve. But, you know I have a tiny child so I missed the “deadline”. This is fine though, because I truly believe Steve’s gender identity doesn’t define how great of a parent he is.  I also can’t be the judge of his skill as a dad, that’s for Max to decide. I can, however, share my reflections and gratitude for him as a co-parent. Steve & Max, hanging in the kitchen. I can’t imagine these past 3 months without Steve. I have a ton of respect and admiration for single parents. To spend every day at capacity, with few breaks, and nights full of waking up to feed. When do they eat? Who is there to cook for them? Who is there to hold the baby when all they want is to shower, or take a walk outside, or eat food in peace? These parents are made of something else, something so much stronger than I can imagine.  I could list so many things that Steve has done to support me and care