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Showing posts from November, 2019

Gender Rebelle Baby Shower

I’m not the most traditional person, but I do enjoy being center of attention from time to time. So if there’s an excuse for a party in which all my friends gather around me, I’m totally down. Baby showers are a great time to gather friends and family for celebration in community. With family so far away, in New York and England, I think it's likely we’ll have a couple of baby shower events. My family always joke that I grew up having more than one birthday party. A lot of this was to do with my birthday being in late August. We’d often be on vacation in America visiting my grandparents and they would want to throw me a party (1). Then back at home, I’d have some kind of party or sleepover with friends (2), and there was always some kind of family only dinner (3). I kept this tradition alive by having three weddings. We got married in Oakland with 30 family & friends (1), and we had a second ceremony and party at a big lakeside house in Georgia the summer after with 60 extende

First Trimester, part 1.

A friend discovered she was pregnant and had the baby about a month later, close to full term. Another pregnant woman I met had said to me, "I don't believe any woman who says she didn't know she was pregnant." The thing is, everyone is different and pregnancy can feel different to each woman. I found out that I am not like the first friend, at all! I may not have looked pregnant my first trimester, but holy moly I felt it. I went through all the work of trying to conceive, and then I was rewarded with exhaustion and 24 hour nausea for a solid 6 weeks. But on the upside, I finally learned how to spell nausea correctly! Photo by  Yuris Alhumaydy  on  Unsplash "Morning Sickness" Whoever named this was clearly a man. Morning sickness is not reserved for the mornings. Let's rename this right here, right now. Pregnancy sickness. Pregnancy sickness can impact women anywhere from the first 12-13 weeks of pregnancy (the majority) right through to birth (